A Gopher named Gophy
If you are just starting out with Go, head over to the Go Playground and concentrate on
figuring out how my little Go Story works.
It’s about a Gopher, named Gophy who joint the Gophers but lost his identity in the process.
Once you get how he gets his identity back you’ll be golden.
Here is the code:
package main
import "fmt"
type I interface{}
var gophers map[uint]I = make(map[uint]I)
type gopher struct {
Name string
func main() {
g := AddToGophers("Goghy")
fmt.Printf("Hello, %s\n", g.Name)
fmt.Printf("Now %s is a %T, %s\n", g.Name, gophers[1], gophers[1])
gg := GetGopher(1)
fmt.Printf("Bye, %s\n", gg.Name)
func GetGopher(i uint) *gopher {
g := gophers[i]
// I wont my gopher identity back
return g.(*gopher)
func AddToGophers(n string) gopher {
g := new(gopher)
g.Name = n
gophers[1] = g
return *g