Creating models for the Zend Framework from command line via phpcli

This is a php cli script that will create a database model from the database provided

Download via git from github -> phpcli

    php zend/model.php -h
    This is a command line PHP script.
    Set table
    -path=[ ]
    -table=[ ]
    php zend/model.php -arg=value

Database Structure:

    CREATE TABLE users (
          Alias TEXT UNIQUE,
          Password TEXT,
          eMail TEXT,
          Avatar TEXT,
          Timezone TEXT,
          IP TEXT,
          count INTEGER,
          cookie TEXT,
          vars TEXT,
          status INTEGER DEFAULT 1,
          added date,
          updated datetime,
          PRIMARY KEY(Alias)

Sample Output:

    $ php zend/model.php -path=/var/www/TaMeR/data/tmp.db3 -table=users

    class _Model_users
    	protected $_Alias;
    	protected $_Password;
    	protected $_eMail;
    	protected $_Avatar;
    	protected $_Timezone;
    	protected $_IP;
    	protected $_count;
    	protected $_cookie;
    	protected $_vars;
    	protected $_status;
    	protected $_added;
    	protected $_updated;
    	public function setAlias($Alias){
    		$this->_Alias = (string) $Alias;
    		return $this;
    	public function getAlias($Alias){
    		return $this->_Alias;
    	public function setPassword($Password){
    		$this->_Password = (string) $Password;
    		return $this;
    	public function getPassword($Password){
    		return $this->_Password;
    	public function seteMail($eMail){
    		$this->_eMail = (string) $eMail;
    		return $this;
    	public function geteMail($eMail){
    		return $this->_eMail;
    	public function setAvatar($Avatar){
    		$this->_Avatar = (string) $Avatar;
    		return $this;
    	public function getAvatar($Avatar){
    		return $this->_Avatar;
    	public function setTimezone($Timezone){
    		$this->_Timezone = (string) $Timezone;
    		return $this;
    	public function getTimezone($Timezone){
    		return $this->_Timezone;
    	public function setIP($IP){
    		$this->_IP = (string) $IP;
    		return $this;
    	public function getIP($IP){
    		return $this->_IP;
    	public function setcount($count){
    		$this->_count = (int) $count;
    		return $this;
    	public function getcount($count){
    		return $this->_count;
    	public function setcookie($cookie){
    		$this->_cookie = (string) $cookie;
    		return $this;
    	public function getcookie($cookie){
    		return $this->_cookie;
    	public function setvars($vars){
    		$this->_vars = (string) $vars;
    		return $this;
    	public function getvars($vars){
    		return $this->_vars;
    	public function setstatus($status){
    		$this->_status = (int) $status;
    		return $this;
    	public function getstatus($status){
    		return $this->_status;
    	public function setadded($added){
    		$this->_added = (string) $added;
    		return $this;
    	public function getadded($added){
    		return $this->_added;
    	public function setupdated($updated){
    		$this->_updated = (string) $updated;
    		return $this;
    	public function getupdated($updated){
    		return $this->_updated;