
Mail Server Fingerprint

This is useful when you need the fingerprint to identify via TLS Get the raw certificate: echo Q | openssl s_client -connect Copy and paste the scribble from —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– to —–END CERTIFICATE—– to a file called cert.pem. Including —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– as first and —–END CERTIFICATE—– as last line. Generate the SHA1 fingerprint by issuing following command: openssl x509 -in cert.pem -sha1 -noout -fingerprint

ssh authorization

Create a public ssh key, if you haven’t one already. Look at ~/.ssh. If you see a file named then you obviously already have a public key. If not, simply create one. ssh-keygen -t dsa ItemMake sure your .ssh dir is 700: chmod 700 ~/.ssh Get your public ssh key on the server you want to login automatically. scp ~/.ssh/ Append the contents of your public key to the ~/.

Self-Signed SSL Certificate

Note: This is a slighltly modified reprint from Overview The following is an extremely simplified view of how SSL is implemented and what part the certificate plays in the entire process. Normal web traffic is sent unencrypted over the Internet. That is, anyone with access to the right tools can snoop all of that traffic. Obviously, this can lead to problems, especially where security and privacy is necessary, such as in credit card data and bank transactions.