
CalDAV and CardDAV Server

Calendars and address books are available for both local and remote access, possibly limited through authentication policies. They can be viewed and edited by calendar and contact clients on mobile phones or computers. radicale.org This is my working setup on Linux Debian with the python uwsgi server and Nginx. I could not get the database to work, so the backend is file based! Install apt-get install radicale uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-http uwsgi-plugin-python /etc/radicale/config [encoding] request = utf-8 stock = utf-8 [auth] type = IMAP imap_hostname = localhost imap_port = 143 imap_ssl = False [rights] type = from_file file = /home/username/radicale/etc/rights [storage] filesystem_folder = /home/username/radicale/collections [logging] config = /home/username/radicale/etc/logging #debug = True /home/username/radicale/etc/logging [loggers] keys = root [handlers] keys = console,file [formatters] keys = simple,full [logger_root] level = DEBUG handlers = file [handler_console] class = StreamHandler level = DEBUG args = (sys.